Yesterday, after days of severe weather warnings and freezing temperatures, it finally started to snow again.
And it snowed, and snowed, and just kept on snowing until eventually, we were snowed in once again. For the second time in less than a month. According to the news, it's a polar blast. Whatever it is, it's brought with it the heaviest snowfalls in 40 years and it is FREEZING. And it's pretty much brought Dunedin to a standstill.
Bern got another 'snow day' off work. So he went out and pruned trees. Up a ladder. As you do when it's snowing. Then he and Grace made a sled-thingy from a packing carton, and had a wonderful time racing around the back yard.
Grace obviously thought it was fantastic.
Charlie was not so keen. I think it's safe to assume that a career in bobsledding is not on the cards.