Each day before we leave to take Grace to school, the children race down to say good morning to the 'girls'.
Who now, much to Bern's disgust, are now known as Mrs Bennett from Pride & Prejudice (did her character ever remind anyone else of a neurotic mother hen?), Little One and Sweetsies (Grace's choices).
Then, as soon as Grace has changed into her play clothes after school, they are both back down at the hen house, chatting away to the hens. Who usually cower in the corner.
This afternoon, however, we managed to have a little pat. Although the cock-a-oodles (as Charlie insists on calling them) were not terribly impressed with all the attention they received.
But we may have scared one of them more than we realised. Guess what we found this evening when Grace and I went down to feed them?
Our first egg.