With the weather closing in, it was the perfect opportunity to head back to our cosy cottage and curl up in front of a roaring fire with a good book. Not, however, if you are married to my husband. Today we headed off to an isolated little beach which, coupled with the weather, reminded me very much of Dingle.
Despite hoping to spy a hoiho, or yellow eyed penguin, the only sign of the penguin colony was a series of funny little penguin tracks leading up into the sand dunes. There were, however, plenty of rock formations, sea caves and rock pools to explore.

Not to mention all the weird and wonderful things to discover. Like incredible giant kelp, squishy orange sea anemones, and bizarre pink things on stalks, hanging off the rocks.

Unfortunately we also made the grisly discovery of a dead penguin washed up on the beach, which ignited a great deal of discussion and saw Grace hypothesis all manner of potential death scenarios. Thankfully, Bern took her back to the same beach later this evening, and after waiting very patiently in the freezing cold, they were finally rewarded with some live specimens.