Tuesday, February 8, 2011

After arriving too early at Dunedin Airport this afternoon to pick up Bern after his very long month in Canberra finishing off at the Bureau of Meteorology, the kids and I needed to kill some time. Thankfully, the Dunedin Museum had an exhibition upstairs that included butterflies, fossils, all manner of stuffed birds, and a skeleton of the extinct Moa, commonly known in our household as the Lawn Mower Bird.

Then, after stretching out a visit to the airport's indoor playground and bribery with the biggest chocolate coin you have ever seen, (I was getting desperate) it was finally time to head downstairs to International Arrivals. Where we sat, waiting, while customs processed everyone from Bern's flight as slowly as humanly possible. During which time Charlie entertained himself trying to run people over with a luggage trolley.

And Grace sang every nursery rhyme I know. Twice. Even an elderly gentlemen waiting in the row behind us joined in now and then. Finally, almost an hour after his flight landed, Bern walked through the doors. And we got to leave the airport.

And Grace finally got to have that chocolate coin.

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