Friday, June 8, 2012

Grace has never forgotten how she didn't get to have a proper party for her 5th birthday, which fell in the middle of moving from Taieri Mouth to Wingatui. Apparently a family party doesn't count. And she never failed to remind us that 'EVERYONE has a party for their Number 5 birthday'. So for the past year, Grace has been planning her 6th birthday party. The theme? Scooby Doo. I must admit, when she told me, I didn't feel like this -  

But it is her party. And all she wants is a Scooby Doo pinata. So I looked up Scooby Doo pinatas online and almost passed out in shock at the cost. But when I told her that they were too expensive, she simply said, 'You can just make one'. I love my daughter's unfailing faith in my ability to make a Scooby Doo pinata when I've never made a single pinata in my life. So Grace and I researched pinata making on the internet (what did we do before the internet??) and, after a few weeks, we have something resembling Scooby Doo (you may need to squint a little...).

And not before time, considering the party is in a few days. Nothing like cutting it fine.

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