Today our Charlie boy turned two! A momentous occasion which his exhausted parents almost forgot amidst the chaos of moving....but thankfully at 5am this morning, we remembered just in time. An almost-oversight that his big sister will no doubt remind him of for the rest of his life. At least we were organised enough to have presents, even if there was a frantic scramble to find them amongst the packing cartons.
And then, as we were having breakfast, it started to snow, perhaps the most exciting birthday present of all.
And just kept on snowing, creating great excitement in the Morrison household. Of course, when it snows, you have to build a really big snowman with an egg carton hat as soon as possible.
And what was I doing while all this was happening? Why, frantically searching through yet more cartons for my cookbook, patty pans, sprinkles, candles and matches of course. Because snow or no snow, no birthday is complete without cake.