Tuesday, February 1, 2011

At this time of year, you can wander into most garden centres around here and buy one of these. 

Until yesterday, when I saw some at Grace's preschool on the nature table, I had never heard of them. But they are amazing. Why, you may well ask? 

Because each plant comes with some of these little guys. 

Each plant includes eggs, varying-sized caterpillars and, if you're lucky, a chrysalis of the Monarch Butterfly. All for the grand total of $5.95.

Grace and Charlie are captivated by them. Tonight we watered the plants and had a look at this one getting ready to change (you can tell it's getting close when they curl up). 

Fifteen minutes and one bath later, Grace had another look at the caterpillar in question and it had turned into a chrysalis. Just like that. 

As you can probably tell, these little critters are remarkably tolerant. But not infallible. Apparently last week in the preschool room one of the children squeezed a chrysalis to see what was inside (a whole lot of green goo apparently). 

So let's not tempt fate.

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