This weekend we drove down to Invercargill to hand-deliver Aunty Katharine's birthday present, which Grace made almost entirely by herself.
We had a wonderful time with Katharine and Donald, who made us a lovely lunch and patiently endured our over-excited children and their heart-felt piano and accordion playing which made me happy we haven't bought a piano just yet, even if the musicians were cute....
Then it was off to the Cochran's farm, where the daffodils were out, my favourite avenue of trees were in blossom, and lambing was in full swing.

While we were there, we traded some of our sheep.....
for one of theirs. Which won't be eaten. Meet Rosie, Grace's new love.
Ever since we house-sat for the Cochrans back in January, Grace has talked non-stop about their sheep. And has begged us for one of her own. We even bought a house with enough land for one. Luckily for Grace, Katrina has been on the lookout for a suitable lamb (ie. tough, unbreakable, tolerant....) since lambing began, just for her. So thanks to the Cochrans, her wish has come true.
As always, Grace and Charlie had a wonderful time with the Cochran girls. There were lots of hungry lambs to be fed (which Charlie insisted on calling 'cats' and then mooed at)....
more lambs to be born...
sheep to be moved....
lots and lots of trailer rides to be had....
sheep to be fed....
and sheep biscuits to eat.

All squeezed in 24 hours. Phew! Thank you Paul, Katrina, Sophie, Emma and Lily for giving us Rosie, and for letting us 'help' with lambing.!